Did you wonder why people who eat fried chicken without a second thought are often the same people who scream bloody murder when a hunter shoots a deer or a rabbit? What's the difference? Aren't they all animals? It would seem that if you were not opposed to killing a chicken, that you'd likewise forgive those who kill any animals.
It is all, of course, all based on aesthetics. No one likes the cute animals to die! Only the ugly ones. Think about it:
Most say it's okay to eat chicken, beef, fish, pork.... and for a hearty few, cockroaches, locust, snakes and ants.
All ugly; all okay.
The majority are decidedly against killing dolphins, rabbits, deer, dogs, cats, pandas, minks. All adorable. Automatic no-kill zone.
Everyone always tells you that looks don't matter. It's what's on the inside that counts. They are wrong, of course. Looks matter. They've always mattered. For animals as well as people.
It all depends on how hungry you are.
I love eating steak from beautiful cows. 🥩